Dear Family,
Good Morning!
Unfortunately, the air conditioning is not fixed and in light of the predicted flash floods, we will continue virtual Wednesday, September 15, and Thursday, September 16. We will have in-person school on Friday, September 18.
Yesterday, the company that fixes the equipment wrote: “I understand everyone’s frustration in the wake of the worst hurricane to ever hit the United States. Academy of Our Lady is CMC “Tier 1”…We have ordered fuses last week that has not arrived in New Orleans…It was to arrive today, to which the vendor does not have any shipping information…We immediately located another vendor that has already shipped the fuses to New Orleans with the expected arrival tomorrow morning…Please allow us by noon tomorrow, September 14th to insert these fuses…if we don’t have the fuses in hand I will immediately activate the ‘nuclear’ option of installing a temporary pump…that team will also be on stand-by tomorrow at noon to start installing the pump (once determined the are needed).’
It is our hope we can be back in person Friday. It is better to take two days at a time, both for the sake of keeping the classes balanced and for the planning of our families who will return when their daughter starts in person.
Thank you for your patience.
Other updates
Calendar (see attached)
We have modified the calendar to add in or “make -up” 7 days. Since we already had 2 extra days built in and more minutes of class than required, by adding these days, we will fulfill state requirements.
Make-Up Days:
Grades & Exams
Given the two-week interruption of learning, as well as the stress Hurricane Ida has cause, we have decided to eliminate quarter grades and midterm exams. We are trying to be attentive to the emotional and mental well-being of our students. We believe the best learning environment for our girls right now is one that cares not only for the intellect, but the mind and heart as well.
Progress reports will determine academic probation. The semester, or final grade for semester courses, will be comprised of homework, classwork, quizzes, and tests. The teachers have sent home the breakdown for their courses already on the initial syllabus. The administration will help monitor that there is an equitable amount of each category for an accurate grade.
Let us continue to pray for each other.
Sr. Michelle