March 13, 2020
Dear Parents,
As you have heard, the governor has closed all schools until April. Academy of Our Lady will begin online classes Wednesday, March 18.
Teachers are meeting Monday and Tuesday to plan and will communicate with their classes through an online platform which they will use to teach their students. All core classes will require the students to log into a video platform to hear the teachers’ lectures, ask questions and continue learning. Attendance will be taken and is mandatory. It is the same as if they were in school. Some elective classes will be project based. The exact schedule of classes will be emailed out before Wednesday.
We are still waiting to hear from the LHSAA regarding the cancelation of sports. We will follow their directives.
The school office will be open between 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. until March 20th. Registration can be dropped off during that time period. You may also drop off your daughter’s course selection sheet for next year. If you have already registered, students may email them to Mrs. Blanchard. The evening registration on March 18th will still take place. Office hours after March 20th will be announced.
Please check your demographic information in Portals to make sure we have your most current contacts. We will keep in contact with you via Portals and emails.
God Bless!
Sr. Michelle